Database service

Information secure, fault-tolerant and worry-free.

The database service provides a Microsoft SQL database or several databases from a shared secure environment without any worries. The service is implemented in a fault-tolerant and duplicated environment in Magic Cloud’s data center. In its own operations, Magic Cloud follows management methods in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard to ensure data security.


A fully managed service where we take care of updates, backups and maintenance.

We make the SQL database fail-safe.

Duplicated and verified at all levels.

Our service includes

  • Licenses
  • SQL cluster monitoring and maintenance
  • Monitoring of SQL instances
  • Establishment of databases and additions of resources
  • Troubleshooting

We take care.


We take care of maintenance, backups and monitor constantly so that the environment is secure and capable. Our experts are always there to help, and our customer support channels are available in case of malfunctions.


Let’s talk more?

Let’s talk more?

Jukka Tavi

Sales Director